Monday, August 27, 2007

Fighting the Green-Eyed Monster

I don't think a lot of people would look to the Beastie Boys for insight, but today I found it in their song Pass the Mic:

"I give thanks for inspiration
It guides my mind along the way
A lot of people get jealous, they're talking about me
But that's just 'cause they haven't got a thing to say
Everybody's rappin' like it's a commercial
Acting like life is a big commercial
So this is what I've got to say to you all
Be true to yourself and you will never fall"

This past weekend, a friend and I were discussing jealousy. When someone achieves something great, it seems there is always another person who is jealous of the accomplishment. This envy can breed contempt and low self-esteem, which can lead one to gossip in an effort to feel like a bigger person.

But we're all human and it's virtually impossible to avoid the feeling of jealousy. So the next time you feel jealous, ask yourself why. Figure out what you need to change about your own circumstances to get yourself where you want to be. Focus on yourself and your own goals, rather than the person who ignited the envious feelings. Because if you have time to talk shit about what someone else is doing, you're probably not busy enough working toward your own objectives.

Be true to yourself and you will never fall. Thanks, M.I.K.E. to the D.


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