Friday, August 22, 2008

Revitalize Your Soul!

It can be so hard not to let each day pass, constantly letting our minds be consumed with the everyday problems that surround our lives and those around us. There are so many thoughts of worry, concern, stress and negativity that we allow our emotions to indulge in on a daily basis.

The fact is that there is always going to be something that we can waste our energy complaining about or stressing about. Life wouldn’t make sense without these constant challenges that we are forced to face. We would be bored and confused and we probably wouldn’t even know what happiness felt like. We need these challenges in order to appreciate all the amazing things about life, earth, love …… and ourselves. It’s just so easy for us to hate these moments…..we sometimes despise them and just want them to go away. However, we usually choose to indulge in these terrible emotions, spreading the negative poison to others and sharing the misery.

So, I say…Lets try a different approach. Lets take these moments in as blessings of growth, lessons to be learned and an opportunity for us to cherish the good moments and remember the beauty of life which far exceeds these challenges. They are a gift….They are what give essence and meaning to everything that matters in our lives.

So bring it on! It will only make me Love Life even more!

Peace and Light to all!

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