Friday, December 4, 2009

Choas by Mute Math

Listen to Chaos by Mute Math

This is SOOoooo my song right now. Reminds me of how my pain makes me feel, but also about how important God is in my life.

Lyrics to Chaos :
Complication is my claim to fame
I can’t believe there’ s another, constantly just another
and I can’t avoid what I can’t control
I’m losing ground, still I can’t stand down
I Know, yeah I know… Yeah

I know you stay true when my world is false
everything around’s breaking down to chaos
I always see you when my sight is lost
everything around’s breaking down to chaos
(Repeat 1x)

It’s hard to trust anyone again
after all the let downs I’ve been through,
haunted by what I’ve been through.

Air’s still trapped, while I still can’t breathe
and I’m screaming out, give me help somehow
I know, yeah I know… Yeah

I know you stay true when my world is false
everything around’s breaking down to chaos
I always see you when my sight is lost
everything around’s breaking down to chaos
(Repeat 1x)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Make a difference - Brushing your teeth

Try to get into the habit of turning off the tap while brushing your teeth in the morning and at bedtime. You can save up to 8 gallons of water per day, which could save about 240 gallons monthly.

Surprised Kitty video

This is so adorable that I had to share... Hopefully it will bring a smile to your face right when you need it :)

Surprised Kitty Video

Pink Glove dance for Breast Cancer Awareness

Check out this video

A bunch of employees, doctors and patients participated in this video, wore Medline Pink Gloves to promote breast cancer awareness and they really enjoyed doing it. Medline will donate a portion of sales generated from their pink gloves to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

Check out the video It's touching and fun! :)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Our troops .... Our heroes!

This commercial really pulled on my heart strings. Our troops are our heroes and they deserve to be acknowledged, loved and appreciated. May God bless our soldiers and bring them comfort on a daily basis. As we all enjoy the conveniences and joy of being home, lets always remember to keep them in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.

With the warmest wishes + deepest love,

Friday, November 27, 2009

Yo de leh, yo de leh, yo de leh hee hoo!

Ok, so my mom and I came across a random utube video today with some yodeling and it was actually kind of entertaining. haha! Thought you might get a kick out of it too. Enjoy!

Tiffany Jo's Yodeling

Jewel's Yodeling

A 4 yr old singer that is sure to make you smile!

This is just SUPER ADORABLE! Had to share ...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Shift - A movie being made by a movement

Check it out!

Reusable is what they are....

"Next time you go to toss a reusable sandwich bag, think to yourself: Can I rinse out and resuse? They don't call them reusable for nothin', honey"
~Healthy Bitch Daily

Monday, November 16, 2009

Revitalize Your Soul

Forgive quickly. Love without boundaries or fear. Laugh without control. Never stop smiling. Be thankful for all your blessings. Live with hope and positivity. Embrace every moment.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

God and Dog

This is so beautiful! Made me appreciate and love my Hannah even more. Can't wait to take my morning walk ... and my walks are also my pray time. This video really touched my heart :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Red Fridays - Support our troops

Wear your red on Fridays as a sign of support and love for our troops. Lets no longer be silent and voice our gratitude and warm wishes to all our brave soldiers away from home. They need to know that they are not forgotten …that we have them in our hearts and prayers.

By word of mouth, press, TV – we can all come together in making the United States a sea of red on Fridays …. much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers. If every one of us who loves our troops will share this with acquaintances, coworkers, friends, and family, it will not be long before the USA is covered in RED and it will let our troops know that we are all on their side more than ever.

So don’t forget to wear your reds this Friday to be a part of showing the solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and respect -- and continue each and every Friday until our troops all come home!

The first thing a soldier says when asked "What can we do to make things better for you?" is. "We need your support and your prayers." Please help to spread the word….

Revitalize Your Health

Here are a few articles I wanted to share:

A Little Planning Can Lead to Big Weight Loss

You Can Eat Great and Still Lose Weight

Self-Sneaking: How to Trick Yourself into Eating Healthy Food

Order holiday cards + ornaments that help animals

Purchase your holiday cards and ornaments through the Humane Society of the United States to support this amazing organization and help our beautiful animals.

Choose from a beautiful array of holiday cards or fun ornaments!

Spread the word and send this link to your friends and family.

Much Love!

Revitalize Your Soul!

Good morning! And what a beautiful morning it is! Remember to smile today and take time to be thankful for all your blessings. Stop and smell the flowers or (depending where you live) stop and breath in the crisp air and take in the beautiful colors of the falling leaves. Do something nice for a stranger. Tell someone special in your life that you love them or how beautiful/handsome they are. Brush off your challenges...they are probably smaller than you think and soon they will be in the past. For those of you going through any real tragedies, may you be surrounded by love and comfort that will heal your heart and bring you peace.

Sending my warmest wishes to you all!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Earthlings - Intense!

The trailer to this documentary called Earthlings is why I am a vegetarian. Please prepare yourself before watching this trailer. It is intense - AND real! I've read a bunch of details about what we are doing to our animals and could barely get through each word, but actually seeing some of it goes way deeper. The cruelty and inhumane torture of animals is beyond my comprehension. Please take the time to watch's hard to watch, but if we can eat it, we need to see it .... we need to know.... we need to be aware of what we are promoting by what we eat. So please have the courage and the heart to watch this and help spread awareness by sharing it with others.

Earthlings - watch the trailer here

Wow! A must see....Deep

The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes

Buy from Staples to help cancer research

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and Staples is offering you the opportunity to help make a difference with your purchase. When you buy select Pink Ribbon products this month at Staples, a percentage will go to breast cancer research. So check out their selection and spread the word!

Shelter animals make GREAT pets!

Between three and four million dogs and cats are euthanized each year in animal shelters across the nation. If more families looking for a pet chose to adopt their new furry friend from a shelter, we could put an end to this tragedy. The bottom line is shelter animals make great pets! Your local shelter is full of pets looking for love and a second chance for a loving and forever home.

That's why I encourage you to please take a moment to watch this video and pledge to adopt your next companion from a shelter -- you will be saving a life!

You can also search for adoptable pets near you

Person to person advocacy

Put that compassion into action for the animals! By spending just a few hours handing out literature and talking with people one-on-one, you can educate countless people about the exploitation of animals. The Animal Rights Foundation of FL (ARFF) needs your help to leaflet at the following events:

• Maitland Art Festival, October 2-3.
• Winter Park Autumn Art Festival, October 10-11.

If you can help please contact:

Help needed at ARFF Information tables

Information tables are a great way to educate the public and provide them with literature and information they need to be informed about animal exploitation and abuse.

Animal Rights Foundation of Florida will have a booth at the Central Florida VegFest on Saturday, October 24 in Orlando's Loch Haven Park.

If you would like to sign up for a shift for one of the following events, please contact:

McCruelty: I'm Hatin It!

In the U.S., chickens killed by McDonald's suppliers are slaughtered using an outdated method that results in extreme suffering. As the biggest seller of chicken meat in the U.S., McDonald's has the responsibility and the ability to reduce this abuse. They can demand that their U.S. suppliers use a less cruel method of slaughter available to them called controlled-atmosphere killing, or CAK, and it would cost the corporation nothing to demand that its suppliers use it. CAK would eliminate the worst abuses currently suffered by chickens killed for McDonald's.

Please help Animal Rights Foundation of Florida speak for the chickens and educate the public at our McMurder protest.

Date and time: Saturday, October 3 (for World Farm Animals Day), starting at 6:00pm
Location: 2535 Howell Branch Road (SR 436 & Howell Branch Road), Casselberry 32707

If you can make it to the protest please RSVP to

Ask IHOP To Let Hens Out of Their Cages

When IHOP serves its pancakes and eggs, you can be sure the eggs come from hens crammed into wire cages so small the animals can barely move for their entire lives. The restaurant chain most known for its breakfasts refuses to take make a change and buy their eggs from cage-free farms that don't cruelly confine hens in barren battery cages. Major restaurant chains such as Denny's, Burger King, Wendy's, etc. got on board earlier this year…. Why can’t a restaurant as large as IHOP make the same changes?

IHOP's refusal took on new urgency this week with the release of this undercover video that reveals shocking abuses at IHOP's primary egg supplier. As you can see, the footage reveals filthy conditions, sick and injured hens, and birds forced to live in cages with the decomposing corpses of dead birds.

You can help to move IHOP away from this cruelty. Please urge IHOP to follow its competitors' lead and start switching away from battery cage eggs. Here's how:

Please make a brief, polite phone call to Argonne, a company that owns hundreds of IHOP restaurants, at 404-364-2984 (if voicemail picks up, press '1' for Argonne President Michael Klump). You can say something like this:

"Hello, my name is [your name] and I am calling to ask IHOP to start using eggs that don't come from hens crammed into cages. I just watched the undercover video of your egg supplier, and the images of animal cruelty are appalling. Please start switching to cage-free eggs. Thank you."

After you make your call, please follow up with an email to IHOP headquarters to let them know that customers care about animal welfare.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A few more health & fitness articles ....

....I read today and wanted to share

Boost Your Metabolism All Day Long

10 Appetite-Suppressing Foods to Conquer Your Cravings

7 Common Factors of Successful Weight Management

7 Tips for Fast Food Survival

Have a super day!

Help our wounded soldiers

Give back to those who've given to America by making a donation to the Pentagon Federal Credit Union Foundation. This is a Military Heroes Fund that helps provide emergency financial support for our wounded soldiers and their families. This fund also helps pay for daycare expenses at Walter Reed Army Medical Center for children of the wounded.

Read more about the Foundation's accomplishments.

The Pentagon Federal Credit Union Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Pentagon Federal Credit Union pays all administrative expenses. Every penny you give goes to programs.

Much Love,

The gratitude campaign

Jessica and I both had the opportunity to watch this video for The Gratitude Campaign before we went to NY on vacation. While we were in the city one day, we passed by several soldiers at Penn Station and we both took the opportunity to acknowledge them, say hello and most importantly say Thank You. They smiled at us and you could tell that it meant a lot to them. It truly warmed my heart and felt wonderful to show my gratitude. I promised myself that I would post this video when I returned to share it with all of you.

Check it out and pass it on to others.....

With deep gratitude, warm thoughts and peaceful wishes to all our brave soldiers!


Revitalize Your Soul! - Healthy lifestyle

Most of you who know me well are aware that I have made some big changes recently to live a healthy lifestyle. I quit smoking, barely drink alcohol, no longer eat chicken and rarely eat red meat. I also work out a lot at home and love going to the gym! My life has changed for the better in so many ways. I feel strong, emotionally balanced, healthy, fit and just all around blissful. I just want to spread my happiness to everyone and let you all know what a great blessing these changes have been to my life.

For those of you that are trying to make some of the same changes in your life, I wish you all the will power, motivation and encouragement you may need to carry you through. You will definitely reap all the benefits of taking care of your mind, body and soul. I know I am :)

Here are a couple of articles I read today that you may want to read:
Eat your way to great abs
Does exercise matter for weight loss?

Much Love and Peace to all!

Help animals through your wedding registry :)

To all couples who are animal lovers...

Guess what? By creating a wedding registry at, your guests can purchase gifts for you and a portion of the sales price will be donated to benefiting The Humane Society of the United States. Isn't that wonderful?!

Be a part of this awesome opportunity to help animals and visit to create your wedding registry today.

Many blessings,

Recycle your Electronics

We wanted to share with you a great opportunity to help the planet as well as animals!

Have you ever wondered what to do with all your old electronics? Now you can recycle your old cell phones, MP3 players, laptops, and many other electronics through a company called My Bone Yard. It's simple, safe, and My Bone Yard will even pay for shipping.

How does this help our animals? ..... By recycling through this company, the value of your items will be donated to The Humane Society. Get started now and visit My Bone Yard for more information.

Peace and blessings!

Friday, August 21, 2009

End Dogfighting Program

The End Dogfighting program through The Humane Society of the United States focuses on young men on the streets who have been involved in fighting dogs. This program gives these dogs the opportunity for a new and better life that is free from animal cruelty. They offer free pitbull training classes to these young men who can not control their lunging, snarling animals. They have the opportunity to gain pride their dog's performance and experience positive competition, which makes dogfighting much less tempting. The men begin to see their dogs as friends, not fighters -- and with these new feelings and beliefs, they realize it is no longer the way they want to treat their pets. Some men even become community representatives and help pull others out of the quicksand that is urban dogfighting.

Over the last year alone, the End Dogfighting programs have reached hundreds of at-risk youth and dogs with constructive alternatives and a message of compassion. So many cities across America are desperate for The HSUS's innovative community-based outreach programs.

This program is about change -- the kind of change that inspires. Both people and pups can make astonishing progress through The HSUS' End Dogfighting program. But they can’t continue to make a difference without our help.

If you would like to contribute to this wonderful program, Click Here to make a special gift today . This is an opportunity to reduce dogfighting on the streets and protect dogs from this horrible lifestyle and brutality.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Revitalize Your Soul - Change

There will always be something going on in our lives or around us that we wish were different or wish it would just go away. Although somethings are completed out of our control, we need to focus on the areas that we do have control over. Instead of complaining about it and dwelling on the negative, lets take the time to figure out what we can change - what we need to change, in order to improve the situation. Usually the change has to be within ourselves. We have full power over our actions, reactions, emotions and decisions, how we treat ourselves and how we treat others...even every word we speak has an outcome. So if something is picking at you and you want it to go away - sit back, take a deep breath and figure out what you can do to set that change in motion. Don't just think about it - BE the CHANGE!

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always gotten”.

Peace & Blessings to all!

Big Hearts for Small Bottoms - Diaper Drive

Times are tough and money is short.
Please help Orlando families cover tiny bottoms!!!!

Diapers of all sizes (sizes 2 and up are needed the most!) are
urgently needed to help struggling Orlando families who are
unable to meet this expense. Your generous donations can
be dropped off Monday through Friday, between the hours
of 8:30 am and 5:00 pm at the offices of:

A Chosen Child, Inc.,
Suite 200, 1516 East Colonial Drive,
Orlando, Florida, 32803
(407) 894-1599

Feed Hope Now - Portraits of Hunger Showcase

Portraits of Hunger Showcase: Enzian's Eden Bar
Wednesday, September 30, 2009.

Join us in viewing photo submissions from this year's Portraits of Hunger Photography Contest. Winner will be announced at this event. Bring a food donation (non-perishable) and receive one ticket for a Free bottle of Peroni.

Photographs will be voted online by the public. Voting will start on Tuesday, September 1, 2009. Chosen photos will be displayed at the event and some will be picked to be made into larger than life size banners to be hung at the food bank’s warehouses. Winning photo will be put in our Gatherer Newsletter - 10,000 distributed.

If you would like to participate in the contest go to Deadline to submit photos: Monday, August 24, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Healthy school lunch options for our children

Congress will shortly be considering revising what children are fed in schools, as part of the Child Nutrition Act reauthorization. As this occurs, the meat, dairy, and junk-food lobbies push hard to keep their products front and center in schools. As it stands, children are eating more of these unhealthy products than ever before, and childhood obesity is at its worst levels ever.

ARFF (Animal Rights Foundation of FL) are now pushing Congress to mandate vegetarian (vegan) options in schools. Currently, most schools do not offer anything along these lines.

Add your name on a petition to Congress

Remember to also spread the word to others so that they also have the opportunity to be a part of this important change for our children. The more names on the petition, the batter chance we have to win this battle.

Animal Protection Studies - Degree available

The Humane Society University (HSU), a division of The Humane Society of the United States is licensed to provide degree-granting undergraduate curriculum exclusively dedicated to Animal Protection Studies for a Bachelor of Science or Graduate Certificate Programs in Animal Studies, Animal Policy and Advocacy, and Humane Leadership.

Apply Today

Some exciting course topics include Animal Behavior, Animal Minds and Animal Protection, Animals and Literature, Animals and Ethics, Animals and Public Policy, Organizational Leadership and Culture, and Finance for Managers. Online courses are also available.

See how you can make a difference for animals. For more information, to fill out an application, or to see course listings: Click Here or email them at

Protect animals and their fur!

Please join ARFF (Animal Rights Foundation of FL) and local activists to speak up for the millions of animals who are poisoned, electrocuted or skinned alive for their fur every year.

Together, we can educate others about the cruelty involved in the fur trade. Help to make our community aware in hopes that they will choose compassion over fashion by no longer buying fur. Hopefully, they will also spread the word to others and we can truly make a difference.

Posters and leaflets will be provided by ARFF, so just bring yourself and anyone else who may want to be a part of this cause.

Date and time: Wednesday, August 26 from 12:00 to 1:00pm
Location: At the corner of International Drive and Universal Drive

If you can make it to the protest please RSVP to

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Great Love Song - Had to share

CLICK HERE: He Loves Me by Jill Scott

"You love me especially different every time
You keep me on my feet happily excited
By your cologne, your hands, your smile, your intelligence
You woo me, you court me, you tease me, you please me
You school me, give me some things to think about
Ignite me, you invite me, you co-write me, you love me, you like me
You incite me to chorus, ooh

You love me especially different every time
You keep me on my feet happily excited
By your cologne, your hands, your smile, your intelligence
You woo me, you court me, you tease me, you please me
You school me, give me things to think about
Invite me, you ignite me, co-write me, you love me, you like me
Incite me to chorus
La, la, la...
Da, da, da...
Do, do, do...

You're different and special
You're different and special in every way imaginable
You love me from my hair follicles to my toenails
You got me feeling like the breeze, easy and free and lovely and new
Oh when you touch me I just can't control it
When you touch me, I just can't hold it
The emotion inside of me, I can feel it

Ah... "

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Revitalize Your Soul! - Life according to Mister Rogers

A friend of Jessica's posted this on facebook and we wanted to share this wonderful message with everyone:

"If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person." Mister Rogers

Every encounter we have leaves a lasting effect; even when we don't realize. And the ripple effects are limitless. We should always present the best, most real version of who we are in all we do.

"Won't you be neighbor?"

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Revitalize Your Soul!

Jessica sent this to me in an email today and I wanted to share it with all of you :)

Happiness keeps You Sweet,
Trials keep You Strong,
Sorrows keep You Human,
Failures keeps You Humble,
Success keeps You Glowing,
But Only God keeps You Going

God does keep me going and as I read this today, I started to remember how He is everywhere and in everything. The beauty of nature, the blue endless sky, the things that make me smile and laugh and inside every person that I love...all my angels. It all equals God to me .... it's what keeps me going, living and loving.


Wonderful puppy needs a new home

Are you looking for an affectionate and kid loving puppy to add to your home and family? Sadie would be perfect for you! She is 15 months old and is a very happy, loving and friendly dog. She is excellent with kids, other dogs and cats too. She has a great temperament and is up-to-date on all her shots. She also is current on her heart guard medicine AND is also crate trained. Her current owner just doesn't have the time and energy to keep up with the care and attention that this wonderful pet needs.

It would be wonderful if she could find a new, loving home with kids and maybe other dogs to play with. If you are interested or know anyone who is, please feel free to contact us:

Much Love always!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Do not divorce them!

Ken Starr and the Prop 8 Legal Defense Fund is an attempt to forcibly divorce 18,000 same-sex couples that were married in California last year. The Supreme Court will be making their decision within 90 days.

The Courage Campaign has created a video called "Fidelity", with the permission of musician Regina Spektor, that puts a face to those 18,000 couples and all loving, committed couples seeking full equality under the law.

The more people who see this video, the more people will understand the pain caused by Prop 8.

After you watch the video, please join me and over 350,000 people who have signed a letter to the state Supreme Court, asking them to invalidate Prop 8 and reject Starr's case.

Puppy mill survivors free from cages

Thanks to the work of your Humane Society of the United States, nearly 300 puppy mill dogs have a fresh start and are free forever from the horrors of the mass breeding operation known as Thornton’s Kennels in Wayne County, N.C.

The animals were treated at an emergency shelter, where dedicated teams of local volunteers and veterinarians, along with partners from the animal welfare community, have been tending to the dogs' many critical needs. Finally, these dogs are at the beginning of their ultimate journey -- to a loving home of their own.

Watch this video that takes you inside the rescue of these innocent victims. You can also make an emergency contribution to support this rescue operation and others like it.

Tragically, hundreds of thousands of dogs still suffer at the hands of this industry. These are the animals that the HSUS rescue teams are trained to save. In fact, during the past year alone, they’ve rescued thousands of animals from puppy mills around the country.

Please help make these animal rescue operations possible.

Thank you for you love and support!

Help protect FL turtles

Florida’s freshwater turtles are facing a serious crisis: They are being ripped from the wild by hunters who sell them to feed the growing world market for turtle meat and products. The methods used to capture, handle, transport, and slaughter turtles are invariably cruel, and the number of turtles caught threaten the species’ very survival. Scientists have already sounded the alarm. The state isn’t doing enough to protect its wild turtles. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has set such ineffective limits on commercial turtle hunters that Governor Charlie Crist recently urged the FWC to move towards a complete ban. The FWC has agreed to consider a ban. You can help end the turtle hunt!

CLICK HERE to send an email to the FWC asking them to ban the turtle hunt; be sure to copy Governor Crist to let him know you share his concern on this important issue. It only takes a minute. And don’t forget to tell your friends and family in Florida about how they can take action, too. Thank you for taking action on behalf of animals!

Thank you for all you do for animals!

Help neglected animals

Hi, all you animal lovers!

The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their web site daily to meet their quota of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute (how about 20 seconds. CLICK HERE to go to their site and then click on the purple box that says "Click to give, it's free". That's it and it doesn't cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising.

Pass this along to people you know, so they can help as well :)

Stop Canada's Cruel Seal Hunt

Dear Friend,

The 2008 Canadian seal hunt left more than two hundred thousand
seals dead -- almost all of them were babies as young as 12
Stand with me today to stop the seal hunt forever by joining the
Canadian seafood boycott.

Seal hunting is an off-season activity for Canada's east coast
commercial fishermen. They earn a small fraction of their
incomes from selling seal skins to the fur industry: less than
$7 million (Canadian) in 2008, compared to the nearly $2.5
billion taken in by the Canadian fishing industry from seafood
exports to the United States.

The connection between the commercial fishing industry and the
seal hunt gives consumers all over the world the power to end
the cruel slaughter of seals.

The Canadian fishing industry has suffered a $750 million
(Canadian) decline in the value of snow crab exports to the
United States since the boycott began. That's more than $200
million a year.

Once you've signed the pledge, you'll be able to identify
Canadian seafood by using The HSUS's downloadable pocket guide.
You can also find out which restaurants and other businesses
have also signed the pledge -- and which ones to contact to ask
them to sign on.

Thanks for joining me in ending this cruel hunt. Here is the
link to sign the pledge:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Help to stop Puppy Mills!

Many of you are probably aware of the investigations linking Petland to Puppy Mills. Well, on January 10, 2009 a bunch of people came together for a demonstration and crowded the sidewalks in front of 22 different Petland store locations to tell the company to stop supporting puppy mills. What an amazing experience this must have been! Hopefully the word is getting out to more and more animal lovers and will encourage them join this effort to protect our animals from this cruel treatment.

Are you interested in attending or helping to organize future demonstrations at a Petland near you??? Please email the Humane Society at with the following information:

1. Your name, email address, phone number and closest Petland: Go Here for a list of locations (just scroll down to the bottom of the page to do a simple search)
2. Whether you would like to be an attendee or organize and lead a demonstration.
3. Whether you would like to take photos at a demonstration.
4. Whether you would like to accept pet supplies (including towels and blankets) at a demonstration and take them to local shelters.

We can make a difference if we put our hearts out there....

Peace and God Bless!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cell Phones for Soldiers!

Got any old cell phones laying around the house? Has you or anyone you know upgraded or bought a new phone recently? What should we all do with all these old phones? ....... We have the best solution for you that's super easy AND free!

Donate your old and unwanted phones to our brave soldiers. The phones are recycled and the money is used to offer a source of communication for our troops to keep in touch with friends and family. This is a true gift from the heart and is so simple to get your donated phones shipped out...

... Just throw them in an envelope (chargers and batteries are not required, but gladly accepted). CLICK HERE and print your postage free shipping label. Stick the label to the envelope and toss it in the mail.

I've shipped out old phones twice already in the past month and I have to tell you..........It feels GREAT!

If you prefer, you can also collect old phones from friends and family (spread the word) and bring them to one of our future gatherings or donation drop off locations and we'll ship them out for you.

Well, we hope this has given you another opportunity to share your hearts and send a gift of love.

May you have a restful night's sleep and wake up feeling at peace and rejuvenated!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Revitalize Your Soul - Step Away

Sometimes taking a few days to step away from
a routine.
a job.
the computer.
helps put everything in perspective.

And for the past two weeks that's what I've been doing. And I've laughed so much more.

Maybe I (or we) should step away more often.
