Friday, March 13, 2009

Stop Canada's Cruel Seal Hunt

Dear Friend,

The 2008 Canadian seal hunt left more than two hundred thousand
seals dead -- almost all of them were babies as young as 12
Stand with me today to stop the seal hunt forever by joining the
Canadian seafood boycott.

Seal hunting is an off-season activity for Canada's east coast
commercial fishermen. They earn a small fraction of their
incomes from selling seal skins to the fur industry: less than
$7 million (Canadian) in 2008, compared to the nearly $2.5
billion taken in by the Canadian fishing industry from seafood
exports to the United States.

The connection between the commercial fishing industry and the
seal hunt gives consumers all over the world the power to end
the cruel slaughter of seals.

The Canadian fishing industry has suffered a $750 million
(Canadian) decline in the value of snow crab exports to the
United States since the boycott began. That's more than $200
million a year.

Once you've signed the pledge, you'll be able to identify
Canadian seafood by using The HSUS's downloadable pocket guide.
You can also find out which restaurants and other businesses
have also signed the pledge -- and which ones to contact to ask
them to sign on.

Thanks for joining me in ending this cruel hunt. Here is the
link to sign the pledge:

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