Monday, October 30, 2006

Trust Without Fear

'Walk openly into love with a trembling soul if you must, but do it!'

Fear in Trust
It's amazing how wrong I can be about people sometimes. But I have made a choice to be someone that always trusts first and if that trust is broken then it's time to move on and learn my lesson. It's hard to trust first though. It makes you vulnerable right from the beginning. A lot of times I am totally disappointed in the end and it not only hurts, but can be very discouraging.

I've learned that people can be completely different than what they make themselves out to be. People aren't always what they say, how they act or how they treat you. They can be someone totally different than what they put out there. Even though, I know this to be true with some people, I don't want the fear of it happening again to make me close myself to people. I don't want to be heartless and not feel anything in order to avoid being hurt. What's the point of living if it means living with an empty heart?

How can I avoid letting the wrong people in my heart though? ... I can' one can. How can I trust first, knowing that so many people have let me down? I know how..... By remembering the ones that haven't. The angles in my life that taught me that it is worth loving and experiencing emotional bonds. It is worth the chance that I take by opening my heart, because it is the only way I will experience the love that has proven itself to me through people like Becky, Jess, Lee, Jackie, my mom, God..... They are the answer to the fear deep in my heart. The angels that will always be there to mend my wounds.

My goal is to teach myself to trust without fear, because the gift is much greater than the sacrifice.

With an open heart!

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