Friday, September 22, 2006

Who are you?

It seems to be so easy to forget how amazing and beautiful we are. We let so many things, words and experiences deplete our self worth. We are all made up of Beauty, Love and Life, but we blind ourselves with uncertainty, fear and doubt. We lose the meaning of our own being. Reminding ourselves almost everyday of what we want different, what we don't have, what we don't like about ourselves. We are constantly looking outside ourselves for validation of our beauty, intelligence and importance. Looking outside ourselves is like choosing to disconnect from our own souls as we reach as far as possible from where the truth lies in order to find the answers.

This creates confusion in our minds and unnecessary negative emotions that are reactions to all that surrounds us. We start reading into things too much. We start to take everything people do and say personally. It can cause us to hurt, cry and sometimes hate ourselves. The crazy thing is that what other people say and do has nothing to do with us. It is just a reflection of what is going on inside that person…completely separate from us.

It's the same the other way around. Sometimes what other people say and do will make us feel wonderful. We think that because someone says we are beautiful than that means we are. The thing is that we should already know how beautiful we are. We should know without anyone ever having to say it.

Look inside yourself for the answers of who you are. Truth lives inside our hearts, so let it speak to you. Lets remind ourselves everyday what we love, who we love, how grateful we are for what we have and for the people who are part of our lives. Lets remind ourselves of how much there is to love about ourselves. Lets not forget how wonderful we are, no matter what anyone says or does.


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