Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We've Got the Whole World in Our Hands! - Simple Environmental Solutions #4

Composting intrigues me! I know it sounds funny that this mish-mosh of Earthly goodies runs through my mind all of the time but it does. Now that I have the means and space to make it happen, I'm starting up a composting project with my nephew, Kyle!

(Once again thanks to the Practical Environmentalist for these green goodies!)

Remember, don't take this too seriously! It's simple AND fun!!! Now, go get dirty and help Mama Earth!


Return your organic waste where it belongs: the soil! Rather than sending banana peels, grass clipping, etc. to the municipal dump, start a compost pile instead. The Environmental Defense Fund says that around 18 percent of the waste an average family in the U.S. produces comes from the yard and garden. If you recycle your yard and garden waste, you’ll reduce the amount of energy used to send this waste to the dump. Add your organic kitchen scraps to your yard waste and you’re significantly decreasing your waste.

Compost also makes your plants stronger and healthier, reducing the need for fertilizers and chemical pesticides. Don’t forget that many cities have municipal composting programs for your yard waste. Need more info about the benefits of compost, how to compost, and what to compost? Check out this quick read and easy guide to get composting!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

We've Got the Whole World in Our Hands! - Simple Environmental Solutions #3

Another easy tip to make this world a better place!!!
(Once again thanks to the Practical Environmentalist for these green goodies!)

Enjoy the day - go outside and thank Mother Earth for her beauty!! <3

3. Switch as many bulbs as possible in your home to compact fluorescent bulbs.

Good news! Compact fluorescent bulbs are really going mainstream nowadays, which means they’re cheaper and easier to find than ever. That’s great, because the California Energy Commission reports that lighting can make up to 25 percent of the average home’s electricity consumption. When you switch your incandescent light bulbs to ultra efficient compact fluorescent bulbs, you’ll be making a big difference in your energy use.

A while ago, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration stated that when the average cost of a fluorescent bulb was around $11.00, your energy savings would be around $20.00 for each bulb over a three year period. Now that Walmart and other stores are selling these bulbs at about 2 bucks each, think of the savings you’ll have from switching! Additionally, compact fluorescent bulbs generally last up to seven years each.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Revitalize Your Soul - Life's Tornado

"It's just life..." That's why my mom has been telling me for years. I always discounted her words, dreaming of a life with a few road blocks but not an annoying series of speed bumps.

Recently, my life has been like a wicked bad tornado - material belongings, friends, hopes and dreams nonsensically churning in the grey clouds. Some things stuck it out and enjoyed the twirl, but many were tossed hundreds of feet away, landing in a tree or on a trailer.

This "it's just life" attitude helped me realize that stuff is stuff and unfortunately friendships come and go. Through this tornado of rough times, I've seen long time friends fly away and new ones that chose to join in the fun of the chaos.

I've lost three cars...four if you count the brakes going out on my in my rental car yesterday. Most of my worldly belongings are roaming the proverbial sky or landed on a roof due to the move, and the tornado is heading to Middleburg tomorrow, so I'll have a whole new set of stuff to jump in.

Typically, my reaction would be that of anger and sadness due to loosing things like my favorite rug, yet another car or that favorite painting a friend made me. But all that is just stuff.

The only pain from this "life tornado" that I'm feeling is the damage that it has had on several of my closest friends...some that have been in my life for more than 15 years. My appologies and canned goods don't seem to help anymore. I choose not to be upset, however, knowing that they, too had something to do with not holding on in the wind.

And like mom says, "It's just life". One minute the sky is cloudless and vibrant blue, and within moments another tornado can just pop up (and probably will). We know that this will happen again and again, so the trick is how to handle it.

Will you see your next tornado as one of nature's glorious creations or a destructive force aimed to scatter you life?

See the beauty in the change; not the pain of the destruction.
It all happens for a reason...

Much love,

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We've Got the Whole World in Our Hands! - Simple Environmental Solutions #2

We all know that Mother Earth is in peril. With each day that pases, she's tread on more and more...with some of us leaving debris and waste with each step.

It's time to tighten up and do something. There are so many easy-peasy ways to make this land beautified and healthy. Start small...one step at a time. :)

This weekly series will give you tid-bits each week of how you can do your part!

(Thanks to the Practical Environmentalist for supplying some of this info!)

Love and light,

2. Lower Your Thermostats!

That’s right, thermostats, plural! Most people have their heater, hot water heater, and refrigerator thermostats set at unnecessary temperatures.

Try this out for a few months: Set your heater at 68 degrees F or lower in the winter and 78 degrees F or higher in the summer. Programmable home thermostats are an even better way to heat and cool your home responsibly.

Next, adjust the temperature on your hot water heater to 140-degrees F or lower if possible. Most people keep the temperature on the hot water heater much higher than they really need. Try it out!

And finally, make sure to use the energy-saving settings on your refrigerator. Better yet, try switching to a more modern, energy saving frig. Look for new refrigerators with the Energy Star label.

What’s with all this Energy Star Business? Check out the U.S. government’s Energy Star program homepage to find out more about how you could be saving money on energy costs and help the environment at the same time. It’s win-win, baby!