Friday, July 16, 2010

Revitalize Your Soul - Life's Tornado

"It's just life..." That's why my mom has been telling me for years. I always discounted her words, dreaming of a life with a few road blocks but not an annoying series of speed bumps.

Recently, my life has been like a wicked bad tornado - material belongings, friends, hopes and dreams nonsensically churning in the grey clouds. Some things stuck it out and enjoyed the twirl, but many were tossed hundreds of feet away, landing in a tree or on a trailer.

This "it's just life" attitude helped me realize that stuff is stuff and unfortunately friendships come and go. Through this tornado of rough times, I've seen long time friends fly away and new ones that chose to join in the fun of the chaos.

I've lost three cars...four if you count the brakes going out on my in my rental car yesterday. Most of my worldly belongings are roaming the proverbial sky or landed on a roof due to the move, and the tornado is heading to Middleburg tomorrow, so I'll have a whole new set of stuff to jump in.

Typically, my reaction would be that of anger and sadness due to loosing things like my favorite rug, yet another car or that favorite painting a friend made me. But all that is just stuff.

The only pain from this "life tornado" that I'm feeling is the damage that it has had on several of my closest friends...some that have been in my life for more than 15 years. My appologies and canned goods don't seem to help anymore. I choose not to be upset, however, knowing that they, too had something to do with not holding on in the wind.

And like mom says, "It's just life". One minute the sky is cloudless and vibrant blue, and within moments another tornado can just pop up (and probably will). We know that this will happen again and again, so the trick is how to handle it.

Will you see your next tornado as one of nature's glorious creations or a destructive force aimed to scatter you life?

See the beauty in the change; not the pain of the destruction.
It all happens for a reason...

Much love,

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