Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We've Got the Whole World in Our Hands! - Simple Environmental Solutions #4

Composting intrigues me! I know it sounds funny that this mish-mosh of Earthly goodies runs through my mind all of the time but it does. Now that I have the means and space to make it happen, I'm starting up a composting project with my nephew, Kyle!

(Once again thanks to the Practical Environmentalist for these green goodies!)

Remember, don't take this too seriously! It's simple AND fun!!! Now, go get dirty and help Mama Earth!


Return your organic waste where it belongs: the soil! Rather than sending banana peels, grass clipping, etc. to the municipal dump, start a compost pile instead. The Environmental Defense Fund says that around 18 percent of the waste an average family in the U.S. produces comes from the yard and garden. If you recycle your yard and garden waste, you’ll reduce the amount of energy used to send this waste to the dump. Add your organic kitchen scraps to your yard waste and you’re significantly decreasing your waste.

Compost also makes your plants stronger and healthier, reducing the need for fertilizers and chemical pesticides. Don’t forget that many cities have municipal composting programs for your yard waste. Need more info about the benefits of compost, how to compost, and what to compost? Check out this quick read and easy guide to get composting!!!

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