Monday, September 11, 2006


Hope is the expression of faith when it feels impossible that things will ever get better.

We all know that feeling of falling into a downward spiral of negative energy and experiences. It doesn't usually come one at a time or in small intervals..nope...instead it comes in big clumps and all at once. "When it rains it pours" - How true is that saying? Very True, in my opinion.

If you let yourself get lost in that rain, then you may never find cover, like a cloud over your head. It starts to weigh you down and soon you feel like there is no way out. You spend your days wondering "what's going to happen next" "Is life against me?"

Of course life is not against us. We ARE life! And living our lives means always getting through these downward spirals and turning them into gifts. Gifts of courage, wisdom, strength and even love. Never lose hope. As long as there is hope in your heart, things will turn around. When you are at your weakest and you still have hope - those are the moments you realize that you and life are one.

Signing off with a hopeful heart at a time I need it most,

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