Thursday, September 21, 2006

Just love yourself like no one else

With my birthday just around the corner, I've been doing a good deal of thinking about a very special person...


Often, I do not give myself the time of day. I don't take time to meditate or reflect everyday. And, unfortunately, I'm usually really hard on myself when I do actually take the time to reflect.

Many of us face this same problem. In fact, many of my closest friends are the same way. Why do we constantly neglect the most important person in the world?

It is crucial that I hold myself in the highest regard. I am a strong believer that if I am not truly happy and honestly pleased with who I am, no one around me will be. Once I find that sincere love for myself, I will have success in the beautiful relationships that surround me.

Take a minute today to realize how amazing you are!!!!! And love yourself, like no one else.

Much love,

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