Friday, November 3, 2006

Living Through Love

Live your life through Love. Let it glow from your being. So that people can experience it's beauty just by knowing you.


Thursday, November 2, 2006

Do Not Let Others Affect You

Today has been really rough for me. I've been letting the negativity of those around me affect my own energy.

I cannot let the unhappiness and uneasiness of energies around me deflate my own spirit. Just because someone at my work is having a difficult day, doesn't mean that I should allow that to crush me.

I've always had a particularly challenging time with this. Sometimes my spirit is like a magnet, taking on whatever attitudes surround it. I've been trying really hard to not let others energies in, by keeping true to my feelings.

Writing this is helping me shake off the negative and refocus my positive nature. Perhaps I just had to take this moment and reflect on the insignificance of another's anger.

If you have ever been in a similar place, just take a moment for yourself.
Do not let someone else turn your smile upside down!!

Keep the negative out and let the positive pour in!

Much love,

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

There is No Time but Now

This very moment.
That thought in your head.
The sounds around you.

Take a moment to live in the moment….
Not thinking about yesterday
Or tomorrow.

Only being conscience in the now.

This moment may be all that you have.
Enjoy it. Now.

Love this very second,
No matter how much pain or stress
Surrounds you.

Know that you have been blessed with this moment in time.
It is a gift, so treat it as such.

Smile. Love life. Enjoy it. Now….

Much love and light,

Monday, October 30, 2006

Trust Without Fear

'Walk openly into love with a trembling soul if you must, but do it!'

Fear in Trust
It's amazing how wrong I can be about people sometimes. But I have made a choice to be someone that always trusts first and if that trust is broken then it's time to move on and learn my lesson. It's hard to trust first though. It makes you vulnerable right from the beginning. A lot of times I am totally disappointed in the end and it not only hurts, but can be very discouraging.

I've learned that people can be completely different than what they make themselves out to be. People aren't always what they say, how they act or how they treat you. They can be someone totally different than what they put out there. Even though, I know this to be true with some people, I don't want the fear of it happening again to make me close myself to people. I don't want to be heartless and not feel anything in order to avoid being hurt. What's the point of living if it means living with an empty heart?

How can I avoid letting the wrong people in my heart though? ... I can' one can. How can I trust first, knowing that so many people have let me down? I know how..... By remembering the ones that haven't. The angles in my life that taught me that it is worth loving and experiencing emotional bonds. It is worth the chance that I take by opening my heart, because it is the only way I will experience the love that has proven itself to me through people like Becky, Jess, Lee, Jackie, my mom, God..... They are the answer to the fear deep in my heart. The angels that will always be there to mend my wounds.

My goal is to teach myself to trust without fear, because the gift is much greater than the sacrifice.

With an open heart!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Who are you?

It seems to be so easy to forget how amazing and beautiful we are. We let so many things, words and experiences deplete our self worth. We are all made up of Beauty, Love and Life, but we blind ourselves with uncertainty, fear and doubt. We lose the meaning of our own being. Reminding ourselves almost everyday of what we want different, what we don't have, what we don't like about ourselves. We are constantly looking outside ourselves for validation of our beauty, intelligence and importance. Looking outside ourselves is like choosing to disconnect from our own souls as we reach as far as possible from where the truth lies in order to find the answers.

This creates confusion in our minds and unnecessary negative emotions that are reactions to all that surrounds us. We start reading into things too much. We start to take everything people do and say personally. It can cause us to hurt, cry and sometimes hate ourselves. The crazy thing is that what other people say and do has nothing to do with us. It is just a reflection of what is going on inside that person…completely separate from us.

It's the same the other way around. Sometimes what other people say and do will make us feel wonderful. We think that because someone says we are beautiful than that means we are. The thing is that we should already know how beautiful we are. We should know without anyone ever having to say it.

Look inside yourself for the answers of who you are. Truth lives inside our hearts, so let it speak to you. Lets remind ourselves everyday what we love, who we love, how grateful we are for what we have and for the people who are part of our lives. Lets remind ourselves of how much there is to love about ourselves. Lets not forget how wonderful we are, no matter what anyone says or does.


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Just love yourself like no one else

With my birthday just around the corner, I've been doing a good deal of thinking about a very special person...


Often, I do not give myself the time of day. I don't take time to meditate or reflect everyday. And, unfortunately, I'm usually really hard on myself when I do actually take the time to reflect.

Many of us face this same problem. In fact, many of my closest friends are the same way. Why do we constantly neglect the most important person in the world?

It is crucial that I hold myself in the highest regard. I am a strong believer that if I am not truly happy and honestly pleased with who I am, no one around me will be. Once I find that sincere love for myself, I will have success in the beautiful relationships that surround me.

Take a minute today to realize how amazing you are!!!!! And love yourself, like no one else.

Much love,

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Niceness RULES!!!

Isn't it so awesome when someone does something nice for you out of the blue? A woman I work with just brought me a thank you card and a scented candle for notarizing some of her documents. It wasn't even a big deal to me - all you have to do is sign your name and stamp a piece of paper - but I guess it meant a lot to her. She just made my day a little brighter by going out of her way to thank me. It was such a thoughtful thing to do that I wasn't expecting at all. And believe me, I needed it so much!

Go out of your way to do something nice for someone today when he or she isn't prepared for it. Maybe you'll cheer up their day, right when they need it most!


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Take your life, and ENJOY it!!!

It is so easy to get caught up in the monotony of the daily grind. I have been getting used to this again. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday – they're all the same. Wake up, run, breakfast, work, home, meetings, sleep.

Sometimes, my head is so bogged down in this schedule that I forget to pick my head up to enjoy the roses.

Although I go the same way to and from work everyday, I've been trying to open my eyes just a little wider, and notice something new. The other day, I saw this beautiful estate on a lake that I never saw before! It added a breath of new life to my once drab drive.

I am applying the same attitude to my life…by opening my eyes just a little bit wider; by expanding my peripheral vision, I am making an attempt to enjoy my life that much more. I am listening to what the birds are chirping about on my morning run, laughing more instead of getting upset over something silly, and just trying to make the most of everyday.

You, too, are alive, so take your life and enjoy it!! You were born with the right to be happy, to love, and to share your love. Just to be – to take a risk and enjoy your life – is all that matters.

Much love,

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Take action on your ideas

Have you ever seen an event, a show, a photo, anything and thought, Hey, I had that idea. Someone stole my idea I know I thought of that first!!?

This has happened to me several times, especially this year.

I remember one day in particular, after looking at a flyer for a disco party, I turned to Becky and said, That was MY idea. She proceeded to remind me that ideas are floating around constantly. She said that every time someone puts a new idea across, he or she finds ten other people who thought of it first - but they only thought of it. Its not who comes up with the idea first, its who ACTS on it first.

Becky was totally right.

Each and everyday, we have ideas that pop into our minds.
An idea for the next epic movie script.
An idea for the next cover of the Weekly.
An idea for the next party downtown.
An idea for the next New York Times bestseller.
An idea for the next big hit song.

Whatever idea you have requires action. Without action, your idea is nothing more than a fleeting thought that will be lost with all the rest. There will be no manifestation, no results, and no reward.

Stand alone focus your ideas with intent.
Make them happen.

Much love,

Aren't true friends the best??!!

I don't know what I would do without them. I am so lucky to have some amazing people in my life. Someone to turn to no matter what is is that I am dealing with at the time. Someone who will listen, give me strength, give me hope, remind me of the important things I can sometimes forget about. They make me feel special and loved. They lift me up when I fall and lead me back to myself when I am lost. They wipe my tries and give me hugs that brighten my day. They keep me wanting to be a good person and help lead me in a path that brings me closer to the person I want to become.

They are pieces of the puzzle I call my heart. It is a love and bond so special that I can't even begin to express what it means to me. I promise to always give my all to these sweet souls. I promise to express the love I have for them in every word I speak, in everything I do and in how I live my life. Friendship is another reason that life is so GREAT!

True friends ARE the BEST!!! Together we can make it through anything!

Know your true friends, love them, appreciate them, hold them close to your heart forever!


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Life is impermanent

A reality that has been reoccurring in my life lately is the impermanence of life. Earlier today I heard that a random acquaintance (friend-of-a-friend) had recently died. The saddest part of the news was not how young he was when he died - late 20's or so - but his newborn daughter that arrived into the world about a month ago. Now his widow is left to raise the baby herself, without her loving husband by her side.

Life is impermanent. There are no guarantees of how long any of us will be here on this earth. Something tragic can happen to any of our loved ones at any time - no matter how old or young they are. This is not an easy thought to accept, especially since we seem to believe we are invincible. Things like this only happen to other people, not to us.

I have been trying my hardest lately to really appreciate each day as it passes and to truly be thankful for all the wonderful people in my life. Since there's no way to know how long they will be around (or how long I will be around), I must love them with everything I have in me all the time. I must constantly let them know how much they mean to me and how much I love them. I must be very aware of every moment I spend with them. That way, when the time comes and we are forced to say goodbye, I will not feel guilty. Through my sorrow, I will look back fondly and know that I appreciated my loved ones for everything they are worth.

Sunrise doesn't last all morning
A cloudburst doesn't last all day
Seems my love is up and has left you with no warning
It's not always going to be this grey

All things must pass
All things must pass away

- George Harrison, All Things Must Pass

Money = Freedom?

Lately, I've been flat broke. I don't know of a better way to put it.

With all of the changes in my life over the past five months, such as quitting my very cushy, but highly stressful job, traveling like crazy, and not working for a month straight, I knew these days would come.

I just didn't realize how difficult this readjustment period would be.... living from paycheck to paycheck again, not going out as much, having to limit the sort of activities in which I can participate, and most of all letting go of control.

Since my money is at such a low point, I have been getting frustrated because I feel like I'm losing my freedom.

Freedom to go out to eat with the girls.
Freedom to buy those new sneakers (I'm totally addicted to sneakers if you didn't know).
Freedom to even buy all of the organics I've grow so accustomed.

My challenge now is to find the strength to realize that without the comfort of money, life will continue; it will simply be different. Although I will not necessarily have the 'freedom' to spend as I once did, a new freedom of imagination is being unlocked.

Forcing me to be creative with my time and space, I am realizing that money does not control me or my freedom.

Much love,

Monday, September 11, 2006


Hope is the expression of faith when it feels impossible that things will ever get better.

We all know that feeling of falling into a downward spiral of negative energy and experiences. It doesn't usually come one at a time or in small intervals..nope...instead it comes in big clumps and all at once. "When it rains it pours" - How true is that saying? Very True, in my opinion.

If you let yourself get lost in that rain, then you may never find cover, like a cloud over your head. It starts to weigh you down and soon you feel like there is no way out. You spend your days wondering "what's going to happen next" "Is life against me?"

Of course life is not against us. We ARE life! And living our lives means always getting through these downward spirals and turning them into gifts. Gifts of courage, wisdom, strength and even love. Never lose hope. As long as there is hope in your heart, things will turn around. When you are at your weakest and you still have hope - those are the moments you realize that you and life are one.

Signing off with a hopeful heart at a time I need it most,